TRUNK Coffee best speciality coffee in Nagoya

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Most famous roaster in Nagoya erea

Looking for good speciality coffee in Nagoya?

TRUNK Coffee is regarded the best specialty Coffee not only in Nagoya but also in Japan. About 3 minutes away from Takaoka Station this cafe focuses on quality of beans. TRUNK Coffee offers light roast coffee and you can enjoy a sour flavor.

If you are living in Nagoya, or just traveling through, add this amazing coffeehouse to your itinerary.


The place is not too spacious but not too small as well.


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I’ve compiled a list of Nagoya’s places that I’ve personally visited. Is Nagoya boring? Not at all! While it has developed as an industrial city, it also hides interesting places full of history and culture. Use this guide to explore Nagoya and discover its hidden gems.

Born in the Tohoku region, I am an engineer with a master's degree in engineering and environmental science. I am thoroughly exploring Nagoya and writing for this media. I also organize events in Nagoya.


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