Origine of name of Endoji shopping street

Endonji Temple, a Nichiren Buddhist temple, is located along the Endoji Shopping Street and is the origin of the street’s name. Established in 1654, it boasts a long and rich history. The temple was relocated to its current location in the 1700s. During the air raids in 1945, everything except the main gate (sanmon) was destroyed by fire.

The building has been renovated, but some remnants of the Edo period still remain. The stone lantern in front of the gate is inscribed with “Bunka 10(文化10年),” which corresponds to the year 1813.

For some reason, there’s a Shinto shrine within the temple grounds. This is something you’ll commonly see across Japan. In Nagoya, for example, there’s a shrine next to the gate of Kenchuji Temple. This reflects the concept of Shinbutsu-shugo(神仏習合), the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism.

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